Kelmarna Egg CSA

Our eggs are sold via a weekly subscription system, also known as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). It’s a partnership-based farming model where community members (you) and farmers (us) work together to produce and share food.

Joining our CSA is a great way to support the farm and the layer hen project, as well as get yourself a regular supply of organically grown (but not yet certified) eggs!

Our egg CSA runs in a very similar fashion to our veg box CSA.  You pay for the season upfront, then collect your share of eggs from the farm every week for the 3 month season.

Spring egg CSA

13 weeks

Our spring CSA season is now waitlist only.

But join the waiting list incase space becomes available.


The CSA shares are $201.50/season for a dozen eggs (13 x weeks at $15.50/share) or $100.75/season for a half dozen. This payment is made up front at the start of the season. Please reach out to us by email if you are unable to pay upfront, we can discuss a monthly payment plan.


Your eggs will be available for collection at Kelmarna from 11am each Wednesday. They will be available for collection all week, at any time that suits you as they will be stored in an outdoor collection box.  Please bring your own egg carton to collect your eggs. 

Join our Kelmarna egg CSA today and taste the difference fresh, local, and sustainable can make!

The importance of showcasing more regenerative egg production


The current landscape of egg production in New Zealand is dominated by intensive laying operations. The egg industry is responsible for the emissions of approximately 12,000 total CO2 equivalent (tonnes) per year. Of these emissions, feed production and transport contributes about 70% to the global warming potential of poultry systems.

These supply chains for feed are often long, consisting of grain and animal protein imported from off-farm sources, often from overseas. Industrially-grown commodity grain has substantial damaging climate impacts, ranging from heavy fossil fuel usage, to soil carbon loss from tillage and pesticide use, to international transportation.


Why our approach is different


We believe there is an opportunity for a small scale, resilient laying operation which utilises local food waste, feeds a local market and provides valued livelihoods.

Our chicken operation has the explicit purpose of developing and refining systems to source as much of the hens food as possible in sustainable, low-carbon ways through local and closed-loop systems, and to share knowledge about this model as we develop it. Of equal importance is ensuring a great quality of life for the chooks.

Their dietary needs are met in the following ways:

  • Green plants: we have an abundance of these available on site at Kelmarna. In our free-range pasture the hens have access to a variety of greens to forage. We also supplement this with picked weeds, and other greens that are surplus to requirements. This natural system reduces our greenhouse gas emissions by moving away from transporting goods to the farm, sequestering and locking carbon into our soil through the soil building capability of the symbiotic relation created between the plants and livestock.
  • Protein and fat: with reducing the amount of dietary complete feed pellets we use, we must look for reliable and consistent sources of foods rich in protein and fat which are essential for high lay rates. We have identified there is an opportunity within cities, where food ‘waste’ is abundant, to utilise these resources to create a nutritious diet for the hens. Our alternative protein & fat sources will include for example: fish frames, whey from milk processing, and okara from tofu processing all from local sources. We’ll also be sourcing Black Soldier fly larvae grown onsite at Kelmarna by Common Knowledge Insect project
  • Seeds, grains and fruits: in nature, chickens avidly seek out these foods. We will grow some of this feed on site (especially fruit) and source some from our local community – such as grain and seed recovered from local organic and bulk food shops such as Harvest Wholefoods, Commonsense, and GoodFor.
  • Dietary complete feed pellets: this organically certified feed is important in ensuring we’re able to meet all of the hens nutritional needs, all year round.

Why a CSA?

If you’re not familiar with CSA’s here’s a little run down of why they’re a great trading model we love and want to see more of in Aotearoa.

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.

This CSA model provides essential community and financial support for farmers to plan ahead and operate in confidence, producing food for you with the accepted risk as well as rewards that each season may offer. Just like vegetables, egg production is affected by the seasons. Generally, we’ll have more to sell in the warmer months, and less over the colder ones. It also means that when laying conditions are good, everyone receives a bountiful supply of eggs, and in the case of problems or weather issues, that everyone receives a little less.

Benefits of the CSA model for farmers and members:

  • Farms secure funding for the season ahead
  • Members get regular portions of fresh, seasonal eggs
  • Shared risk & shared reward
  • Community members connect more closely with their food & each other
  • Minimal marketing & sales time, meaning we can focus more on growing food
  • No production food waste or packaging waste

As part of our aim to model a better food system, we hope that we can increase awareness of the importance of knowing the source of your food, and encourage the development of other CSA’s across New Zealand.

Join our Kelmarna egg CSA today and taste the difference fresh, local, and sustainable can make!

Frequently asked questions

If I miss a pick up one week do I get a refund?

Unfortunately no, for the sustainability of our farm we need our customers’ commitment to pay for the full season. This ensures we can pay our growers a fair wage and maintain the momentum of our work.

Are your eggs organic / free range?

Kelmarna is a certified organic farm, but as our hens are new they are not yet permitted within our certification. Our hens are given free-range on our pasture and under our trees, and are fed organically from a mixture of brought-in organically certified feed, greens grown and foraged on-site, and food rescued from the community. We’re proud to be able to offer nutritious eggs from hens with a great quality of life, and hope that you’ll enjoy them too! 

If I let you know in advance that I won’t make a pick up can I have an extra week?

No, but if you cannot pick-up your share, you can arrange for someone else to do so. Please remember to explain the pick-up location and procedures to your substitute. If you failed to collect your share during the allowed timeframe we will donate your share to volunteers to ensure food is not wasted.

Can I pay weekly or fortnightly?

Upfront payment for the whole season is crucial in keeping the admin costs of running the scheme low. Many members enjoy how convenient it is to just pay once and know you’re covered for the whole season. However if your financial position inhibits this please reach out to us by email, we can discuss a monthly payment plan.

Can I volunteer?

Yes of course! We love volunteers. Find out more about volunteering opportunities on our website here.